Hello friends!!
This is super important – you’ll want to read this!!
I wanted to share with you one of the things we talked about
this weekend in CLTD: integrity.
Yes, I recognize that we have talked about this many times
before from the moment you walked into CLTD but it is hugely important!! When
we put ourselves out there as CLTDs we speak for the CLTD program and Camp
Chestermere. When we put ourselves out there as disciples of Christ we speak
for Him. Our actions and our words show others what it means to be a part of
those things, whether your influence is negative or positive. How you behave
says things about who you are to other people. Someone who proclaims Christ to
those around them and then goes on line and behaves differently is suggesting
that belonging to Christ actually means nothing. It can suggest that Christians,
not just you, are hypocrites. You get to chose what is present on your Facebook
wall, what you Tweet or Twitter and it will speak a message, whether you intend
it to or not. Your words, your actions, your pictures and what you ‘like’ speak
to others about who you are, what you believe and what you value. As disciples
of Christ we are called to a higher standard and as a CLTD you will be held to
that higher standard. In the Lifestyle Expectations that you were send when you
were accepted into your first year of CLTD the following was laid out as an
expectation of someone seeking to be involved in the program:
Behaviour - It is expected that staff are presenting themselves appropriately
in all on-line situations that could possibly be viewed by campers, CLTDs or
other staff of Camp Chestermere. This includes social networking sites such as:
Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Tumbler, etc. Photos or language suggesting such
inappropriate behaviour as sexual acts, drug or alcohol use, gossip, slander,
or jokes which maybe deemed offensive are not tolerated and you may be asked to
remove them from your site or break connections to Camp Chestermere or any
camper-involved programming.
We will be expecting you guys to live up to this if you want
to be a part of CLTD. I know it’s not easy, guys and we don’t expect you to be
perfect but we do expect you to live as the people you say you want to be when
you joined CLTD. We will be calling you guys on your content and your
activities. If you are not willing to live up to these expectations we ask that
you no longer associate yourself with Camp Chestermere or CLTD in your online
activities and ‘unfriend’ any campers, CLTDs and staff. I know it sounds harsh
but you are an influence to those around you and we are looking for people who are
willing to be a positive influence on those around them. Know that the staff of
camp are required to live the same way and if you are looking to join the staff
team in the future, what you do online will indeed be looked at before you will
be considered.
With that said, please consider the statuses you have
posted, the comments you have allowed to be posted to your wall, the pictures
you have posted or are tagged in, etc and consider what is God-honoring and
what is bowing to the world’s values. What is worth keep and what is worth
getting rid of? Know that your CLTD leaders will be assisting with this ;)
If this is something you are struggling with or have
questions about, please get in touch with us! We are here for you and want to
walk with you in these potentially difficult situations.
Many blessings, all!!
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