I wanted to post a quick reminder for you Sojourner types. That's you first years! It would be a really good idea to read some Proverbs, especially the first 5 chapters. We'll be going over it in session and any reading you've done of it before hand will percolate into your soul. It really will.
Proverbs is just after Psalms, which is that really big book in the Old Testament. There's Psalms 150 then BAM! Proverbs is sitting there, ready for you to chew on.
Other random thing: Proverbs was written mostly by Solomon. He was the wisest man in the world, God blessed him so. There is so much excellent advice inside it's ready and waiting for you to expand your mind and heart.
Also, this is for all CLTDs, I want to talk about the importance of mentoring. Not just the Mentorship year thing, but the idea. Mentoring is where an older, wiser person walks life with a younger person (like you guys). They talk to them about life, about God, and about what it means to be a Christian or simply about growing up. Mentoring has changed my life. One of the biggest reasons I am helping Shelley lead CLTD is that when I was a CLTD myself (I was wee!), my leader took the time outside of camp to listen to me (over phone calls and email mostly, but also hanging out) and it really helped me with some of the things I was struggling with as a young man, and also with growing up.
So what do you do if you want a mentor? - First, pray. Talk to God to bring someone into your life, and to prepare you for it.
- Find someone who is older, you trust, and you know is walking solidly with God, usually God's been working in their heart as well and making them ready too.
- Ask them if they would being willing to start mentoring, and if they aren't don't be discouraged. God will provide the right kind of timing.
- Tell your folks if you start being mentored, tell them about the person and what's going on.
Mentoring means that the "pupil" (that's you guys), is a very active player - as a mentee you make the first steps, and you call or email first. Then you figure out when during the week you want to call/email/Facebook chat/MSN/meet.
What do you talk about? That's mostly up to you too, but some good idea is to have a list of questions that the mentor can ask that really get to the heart of where you are at, such as:
- How was your week? Really? (Kinda like high and low at winter camps)
- What have you been learning from God this week? How do you think He's been speaking?
- Has anyone been on your heart lately?
Things you can do: - Pray together.
- Also a really good idea is to set up a Bible reading goal with you mentor, say, you want to read a chapter of Proverbs a day - and talk about it, do it together.
- Hang out. This is kinda on the mentor's head to decide where and what you'll do. Make sure your parents are aware of any plans made.
Aight, that's it folks! See you this weekend!
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