Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ. --Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Friday, January 8, 2010

So? Where's the hoax?

Hello, my fine feathered friends!!
Today while I was breaking from making the 2010 CLTD Reference Form to eat my lunch I hopped onto youtube, as I often do and I found this video: It is called Where the Hell is Matt? It is a cool video, shot in several countries, of Matt dancing.
Then I watched this video: where Matt 'explains' how the video was made.
As I was watching the second one it occurred to me how we have to be so very careful what we accept as truth in our world today. Just because you read something on line does not mean it is true. Someone will argue that one thing is white while someone else will argue it is black with equal passion.
So? How do we discern truth? I can tell you this much - somethings have far more beneath the surface than we first recognize. Don't accept blindly, my friends! Dig for truth in all you experience. I heard at a conference I was at last month that every commercial tells a lie - we just have to discover what that lie is.
I think we also need to ask ourselves if we are believing something because we really want to even though deep down we know it is wrong. Like this one: "Pot isn't bad for you - it is natural." Sorry peeps, no matter how much you might want to believe it, it does not make it true! Or how about this one: "Camp is for sissies!" Ummm... no. People might try to tell you that BUT THEY ARE DEAD WRONG!!
I miss you all and I hope your new year is starting out well!! I can't wait to see you again! Keep in touch, ok?
PS. just need to show off my niece and nephew - aren't they great?!

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