Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ. --Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello my friends!
I hope the New Year finds you well loved after Christmas and ready to tackle anything!!

Spaghetti Dinner

I have been utterly blown away and impressed that two of your peers have had the drive to take on putting together a fundraiser on behalf of the CLTDs! The event is a spaghetti dinner (as all of you who are on facebook or were at the November Winter Weekend have heard about) on January 22 at the camp. All money raised at this event will be going to the building of the new lodge, which is set to be open for use this summer! The Camp Chestermere Board prayerfully decided to take on a much larger mortgage than originally hoped so that we could have a building that can be generating income rather than sitting locked up, eating funds to cover insurance etc. But we still need help paying for the building or the mortgage payments will be sky high and we’ll have little to keep us afloat!

This fundraiser will not take place without your help!! This is your chance to make a difference in the future of Camp Chestermere. This will be your building – just think one day you could be serving as a leader within those walls! How exciting is that?!

Some of the things that we need YOU to take on are:
·      Collecting donations of new items that can be used for a silent auction-type raffle. There are lots of companies impressed with youth who are willing to rally behind a cause and are willing to donate such items. I sent an email to you all with a donation letter to take along with you as you go in search. The camp can offer a tax receipt for any money that is donated over $20.
·      Selling tickets to friends and family members who are willing to attend the evening. Tickets are $10 each. Please get in touch with Alyssa if you are willing to sell tickets. (Please be willing to talk to people you know about this and ask them to attend!)
·      Volunteers are needed the day of for several different jobs such as set-up, serving, kitchen help, dishes, etc. Alyssa made a page on facebook that you can find information and sign up to help out.

inFuze Conference
Camp Chestermere is hosting the third annual inFuze conference January 13/14. If you are in Mentorship (2nd year) you are welcome to attend this event. I also included a brochure in your emails for more information. If you are in Sojourn we have opened up a chance to serve that day. You will have a chance to hear some of the speaking times when Shannon Dean (who was last summer’s Teen’s Camp speaker) is facilitating and have the chance to really help out! We are taking a limited number but still need people to help us out (please! Without a director the entire thing is being organized and run by Dianne and myself – we are good but not THAT good!). If you are able to help us out for any part of the day could you let me know?


I will be out of town from January 4th – the 11th. I will be home and flying into action pulling together the final pieces of the conference. If you need help with anything or need an ear one of your fabulous CLTD leaders are always here for you: Nikki, Chelsea, Bryson, Allan, Emma, Sam or Josh.

Love and blessings as you begin 2012!!

- Shelley