Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ. --Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Monday, November 30, 2009


My friends!
For those 29 of you who were out at camp this past weekend, thank you for the great weekend! I don't know about you, but if flew past for me!!
Keep seeking God and holding each other up in prayer. There is a lot of hurt and brokenness right now in our group and we need each other for support, love and sometimes just to laugh until it hurts (Marie and Kelley are good for this one!!)
I know sometimes it is hard to sit down and do devos. It can be hard to get into that habit. One thing that I like to do is download podcasts to my ipod and listen to them either while I drive or work out at the gym. I have also downloaded 'The Message' onto my ipod, which is a translation of the Bible that I love and will listen to God's Word. Sometimes I will also turn one on while I am working on the computer playing with photos or goofing around. For those of you who take the bus to school this might be a good time to skip the music and pop on a sermon. Perhaps there is another place in your life where this might work. Who said devotional time just has to be reading? It is a good thing, don't get me wrong and I try to get in some Bible reading and responding before I go to bed, but these sermons and such do help me to turn to God and grow in my faith life. I especially recommend this to those of you who are not plugged into a church or youth group.
The 2 that I like the most at this point in time are Mosaic, which is a church in LA and Westside Kings, which the church that I call home. You can find these churches online and listen to sermons at these locations: and Both of these churches can also be found on itunes.
Erwin McMannus has been one of my favorite communicators since I read one of his books years ago. He is filled with a passion that is contagious! (If you are a Mentorship participant you saw a video of him in the summer about 'Barbarian Faith'.) I hear him speak for the first time live at a conference in Red Deer about 6 or 7 years ago. Here is a small clip of him on Youtube:
Have a great week all!!
PS. After you all left, all of Bosco's hair fell out!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pot Use

Hey friends,

When I sit down to have a meal I often jump on youtube and have a wander around. Today I was looking up marijuana. I found that more than half the clips were screaming for the legalization of weed, suggesting that all the reasons for it to be illegal are all a load of bull and that it can not harm you. They were suggesting that the government will spout lies about the dangers of pot to protect revenues from alcohol sales. These are some of the things I heard today:

- Pot is not dangerous to the body or mind. LIE!

o The truth: smoking 5 joints is equal to smoking a pack of cigarettes. It is more cancerous that smoking tobacco.

o When you get a high off of anything it is because you are reworking the chemical wiring in your brain. Every time you alter your brain chemicals with one drug you need a stronger dosage the next time to recreate the high. You body can only produce so much of any of the chemicals that help you feel happy or content at a time. If you deplete too much at once your body can actually lose the ability to feel happy on its own and drugs will become a necessity.

o Marijuana will stay in your system for days, which means that you are stupider for a week after you smoke it!

o Trying to get off of any drug (yes, even tobacco) your body will go through withdrawal. Imagine feeling like complete hell for a month. Flu-like symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, headaches, sinus problems, headaches, achiness, chills, sleep issues, tremors… the list goes on.

o Possible long term effects: Lung damage (chronic coughing and lung infections), cancer (lung, neck and head), decreased blood flow in the brain effecting memory, learning, understanding of language and temper control, extreme mood shifts and feelings of being out of control, unmotivated, physically unbalanced and confused, problems with concentration and abstract thinking, feelings of anxiety, depression, irritability and suicide

- Weed is not dangerous. LIE!

o Even it it’s most pure forms, this plant has been tampered with so much that the part of the plant that gives you the high is way stronger than it was 25 years ago, it is more addictive and more likely to get you out of control.

o Unless you are growing your own marijuana the weed you will get from friends or on the street is most likely laced with some sort of hard drugs. Once you even start using hard drugs (whether on purpose or by accident) the more damage is done to your system and the greater the chance of becoming a junkie and throwing your life away.

o When people are high that make choices that they wouldn’t when they are high. Babies have been conceived, diseases have been spread, friendships have been broken while people where stones, drunk or high.

o Weed is primary addiction of sixty percent of the young people in detoxification

- Weed does not pose a threat to the public. LIE!

o When you are not thinking straight (ie. You are drunk or high) you think you are capable of things that you are not. People driving while under the influence of any drug are putting the lives of everyone around them in danger. People have actually murdered other people while high and made decisions that put the lives of both friends and strangers in danger.

o Think of the influence you can have on others. There are people who look up to you. If you are using drugs you are telling them it is okay. Think of siblings, family members, campers, your closest friends and the rest of the CLTDs.

o When you are doing drugs, you are condoning drugs. You are saying it is okay. I am not okay with that. How dare you be an advertisement to others that drugs are okay!! Jesus said, “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6 NLT)

o Think of how broken your parents would be knowing you are putting yourself in life threatening situations (which is what you are doing every time you use drugs). Think of how much it kills all the people who care about you – your friends, your teachers, your CLTD leaders. I guarantee that you are breaking my heart and causing me to lose sleep knowing that there are kids I love using drugs!!

I promise you, I will not lie to you. I would do anything to keep you safe and will give you the straight answers. I would fight for you and the life you deserve. PLEASE do not buy into the lies that you can find out there. Yes, marijuana is a plant – so is bushman’s poison, wintersweet, angel’s trumpet, water hemlock, castor bean, rosary pea, monkshood and english yew. All of these plants will kill you if you consume them. Just because something is natural does not mean it isn’t deadly!!

The majority of videos on youtube tell you that weed is cool and there is nothing wrong with it. You get to choose who you are going to believe: me or them. Who do you think is going to really give it to you straight? I have no reason to lie to you and the best reason in the world to beg you to stay clean: I love you.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

More backpack stuff

I got a text from Triscuit (who used to work at camp and is doing up a backpack for Streetlight) and she told me that Superstore is giving out little first aid kits at their pharmacy for free if you still need one for your packs.
I also got an email from a CLTD Mom who found backpacks at Bently's for buy one get one free if you are still looking for a pack!
Remember to get yourself a med form if you need to be taking ANY medication while at camp!!
- shelley

Monday, November 16, 2009


Hey all! We are getting close to the deadline for the Streetlight back packs! Please remember to be getting your packs together and bring them to camp if you are coming. If you are not going to be at Nov. camp, let Shelley know and she will work out how to get your pack picked up. Don't forget to do all the steps involved in getting a pack ready. See for assistance. Remember to download a form to put with it! Eldon adds this: Hey Sucka! if you guys have been picking up some stuff for the backpack ministry deal, but don't have a backpack, please let me know. if you guys have all the stuff needed for a backpack, i'll talk to my manager and see if they will hook me up with some sweet ones at a good price. if not, i'll go and get a bunch of backpacks from somewhere else, but i'm really hoping that my work will sort me out. i hope i'm broke by the end of this, you guys. i'm gonna be disappointed if i don't end up buying any backpacks for you.

Friday, November 13, 2009

November Camp

Hey ya'll!
Our next camp is coming up fast!! As of this moment we have 28(!) CLTDs who are coming out!! We are going to be having a Bible based weekend.
If you are in Sojourn (that would be 1st year) you will be learning about the Old Testament, the Book of Acts and Jesus (shocking, I know! Learning about Jesus?!)
Mentorships will be learning from Frank this weekend, who will be teaching on the Sermon on the Mount and looking at the joys and challenges of Discipleship. YOU HAVE HOMEWORK: read Matthew 5, 6 and 7 as many times as you can before camp. Try to have it read 2-3 times. My recommendation is to take notes - write down anything that catches your attention or any questions you might have. Get saturated in it and consider what Jesus is saying.
REMEMBER that backpacks are also due this weekend for Streetlight!
I hope November is treating you all well!! Keep you chins up, keep the faith, stay in touch and don't do drugs!
Blessings all!
- shelley

Friday, November 6, 2009

Christmas Banquet

Hey all!
It's getting close to Christmas and that means it's time for the annual Camp Chestermere Christmas Banquet! Now that you are CLTDs you are invited to join the staff and alumni for dinner and Christmas merriment! Last year we had to cancel the event due to a blizzard that was on the verge of blowing in so this year it is extra special!
Here is the info as it is posted on facebook (which if you are not a member of Camp Chestermere or on the Camp Chestermere Group page you did not receive):
Come home to Camp Chestermere for Christmas! Join your camp family for an evening holiday food and fun! This year's Christmas Banquet is a down home evening together at the lodge. Grab that cozy Christmas reindeer sweater, fuzzy slippers and silly socks and come ready for hot chocolate and Ruth's holiday dinner! The when: December 18th 2009. Punch: 6:00 pm Dinner: 7:00 pm The sad departure: 10pm The where: Camp Chestermere, of course! The why: Because family needs to be together at Christmas! The how: Share the blessing by bringing an item from the following list for one of the organizations we support: - Chestermere food bank: Any non-perishable food items - Streetlight: Blankets, coats, diapers and baby needs, socks, gloves, toques - The Mustard Seed: New items such as socks, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, etc. The who: Any CLTD, staff, volunteer or alumni and the quests they wish to bring. Please pass this invite along to anyone you think might want to come! Hey CLTDs - here's an idea: connect with other CLTDs who live near you and car pool. Perhaps your parents will be more willing to drive one way if they know that someone else will drive you home? ***PLEASE RSVP before December 9th either by responding to this invitation on facebook or emailing Dianne at We can't wait to see you here!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to be in touch!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Heroes!

Okay, so I was wondering around on the web and googled 'Camp Chestermere'. There were some interesting things I found: Jenny's Bebo account, Casi's facebook group for the camp and my favorite was this: For long-time-ago memories check it out and listen to a few of the golden oldies of camp!! (There has to be a few of you who are old enough to remember some of these songs!!)